So as a continuation of the last post is how u connect using JNA:
- compile your native lib to so or dll and place it in your LIB_LIBRARY_PATH on linux or in your PATH in windows (IMPORTANT needs to start with "lib". So if it's mylib it should be libmylib
- download jna.jar and platform.jar either manually or with a tool like maven
- create an interface that extends com.sun.jna.Native
- create class to use (not implement) the interface
here is sampe interface
import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
interface MyLib extends Library {
MyLib INSTANCE = (MyLib) Native.loadLibrary("mylib", MyLib.class );
String MYLIB_helloWorld();
and a class that uses it
import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
public class MyLibUser{
public static void main( String[] args ) {
MyLib lib = MyLib.INSTANCE;
now compile with
javac -cp jna.jar:. -Djna.nosys=true MyLibUser
and run with
java -cp jna.jar:. -Djna.nosys=true MyLibUser
Gaaaangsta! No?
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